
State Overview state laws

Vermont residents can own and operate a still for non moonshine production. It can be used to distill water, essential oils, etc.

07 - 019 561

... Department of Liquor Control and any other law enforcement officer may arrest or take into custody pursuant to the Vermont Rules of Criminal Procedure a person whom he or she finds in the act of manufacturing alcohol or possessing a still, or other apparatus for the manufacture of alcohol, or unlawfully selling, bartering, possessing, furnishing or transporting alcohol, or unlawfully selling, furnishing or transporting spirituous liquor, or malt and vinous beverages, and shall seize the liquors, alcohol, vessels, and implements of sale and the stills or other apparatus for the manufacture of alcohol in the possession of the person. He or she may also seize and take into custody any property described in this section

Fuel manufacturing state laws

I was unable to find any information on fuel alcohol for this state.

Legal manufacturing licenses & regulations

Vermont does offer a distillery license that costs $285 yearly.

There are several licenses you need to request to legally manufacture spirits. Below are the federal licenses only. Additional state requirements will need to be followed as well.

You must submit a request for a license to manufacture spirits: TTB 5110.41 Basic permit.

This license only allows you to produce spirits. You also need a license for the distilling equipment / distillery: TTB 5100.24 Distilled spirit plant

For manufacturing ethanol fuel you will need to submit a request for a TTB 5110.74 for a federal license.

Posession stills & moonshine

07 - 019 561

... Department of Liquor Control and any other law enforcement officer may arrest or take into custody pursuant to the Vermont Rules of Criminal Procedure a person whom he or she finds in the act of manufacturing alcohol or possessing a still, or other apparatus for the manufacture of alcohol, or unlawfully selling, bartering, possessing, furnishing or transporting alcohol, or unlawfully selling, furnishing or transporting spirituous liquor, or malt and vinous beverages, and shall seize the liquors, alcohol, vessels, and implements of sale and the stills or other apparatus for the manufacture of alcohol in the possession of the person. He or she may also seize and take into custody any property described in this section

Federal laws

Current federal laws allow citizens the right to own a still and operate it for non-alcohol production.

This means legally you can:

Each state and even counties have their own laws that may supersede federal laws.

It is your responsibility to know the laws in your area.